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The Aria of Stars is the second campaign in the LIght in the Darkness campaign world - a custom campaign setting detailing events after the great Scourging of the world, and the rise of the new empires in the centuries after it occurred. This campaign will be a Westmarches-with-a-story campaign set in the Reach, a land newly settled by the Holy Dragon Empire. Adventure awaits around every corner - as does tremendous danger... and tremendous opportunity.

In a westmarches game you, as the players, will direct your explorations and work together to discover the players, dangers, troubles, and story of the Reach. You will decide where to go, when you're going, and who you're going with - and it should be emphasized that survival is not assured. It's perfectly possible to bite off more than you can chew - and to venture somewhere you probably shouldn't be.

In this time of opportunity, as myths take shape and come to life and ancient prophecies await your discovery, what mark will you make on the Reach?

The Dragons Will Rise.

The Absolute Basics:

The Aria of Stars is a Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition campaign set in the "Light in the Darkness" universe, a custom campaign setting.

What is D&D?

Westmarches-style Explanation and Rules:

An Example of Play

Westmarches Basic Rules

What is West Marches, and Why?


Travel, Watches, and Watch Actions:

Character Creation, Code of Conduct, and Safe Table:

Code of Conduct

Limits and X-Cards

Player Etiquette

Characters and Character Creation


Technology and Setup

Rules and Lore:

Rules and Systems

The Town of Landfall

Mythology and Lore || By Category

Player Pages:

Memorial Wall

Tavern Talk

Character Roster