An Example of Play

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In the last session, Eric (Playing Malcom, a Ranger, L3) picked up a rumor about a bandit stronghold to the southeast; sensing potential loot and the chance to do some good in the Reach, he decides that's his current objective.

Reaching out through the discord, Eric gets immediately interest from Bea (playing Turgrim the Wise, a Wizard, L2) and Chris (playing Lady Raisa Evergreen, a Paladin, L2) - as a group they decide they want to boost their numbers a bit, so they reach out to ask for one or two more from the Discord. Jamel (playing the doughty Dvarin fighter, Klaous Thunderbeard, L1) joins in - hoping to join the more experienced folks on their journey into the reach.

They ping the DM, offering a couple of days of availability; the DM checks scheduling and commits to next Tuesday at 7.

The in the intervening week, Eric, Bea, Chris, and Jamel figure out their downtime actions, hop into a server day and do what prep they need to do (buying equipment, resupplying); they talk with each other and learn that another player, Eileen, took her rogue on an excursion with another group that direction a couple weeks ago. In the IC channel, they track down and talk to Eilleen, who gives them the rundown on a couple landmarks to help their trip, and warnings about the grassland weasels.

The 7th rolls around and the group and the DM gather.

Day one:

A bit of housekeeping - everybody checks in on downtime actions that haven't been resolved yet, does any last minute stocking-up, and the party sets forth, Eric taking on the role of Party Leader. The group confirms their objective: finding the rumored bandit encampment to the southeast.

The group heads south, looking for the 'ruined bridge with the skulls' that Eileen swore was just a day or two south and would get them to an ancient road that would be an easy trip to the southeast. (xp is awarded for beginning the exploration of the Region) They travel for two watches, eager to get moving; Bea takes on the role of Navigator, and rolls well on the survival checks; they're reasonably sure they're heading the right direction. During the second travel watch, the wind picks up; clouds roll in from the west - they debate pressing on while they're still fresh or camping in case the weather rolls in; they decide to set up tents.

A good thing, too! The storm rolls in just as they've foraged up some firewood fuel (Eric's Survival check comes in handy!) and they put it under canvas to keep it dry. They duck under cover and eat their evening meal as the rain slowly intensifies.

At full dark, the camp is attacked - a group of beast-cultists led by a strange, howling, dog-man-creature sweep into the camp, hoping to take some heads.. or prisoners. It's a hard battle; Turgrim lashes out with burning hands and sets one of their tents ablaze along with a cultist; luckily, the rain puts it out before too much damage is done. Klaous takes a nasty wound; the party, though, is victorious. (xp is awarded for the combat).

After scouting to ensure that the cultist group was actually alone, they decide to rest - hoping to be fresh for the next day. They set sentinels and use three watches for rest (each individual taking two watches in some rotation to ensure someone's awake to keep an eye on things). Klaus stays out of the rotation, hoping his injury is less serious in the morning. Just before dawn, the storm ends.

Day 2:

The group strikes camp and strikes out into the sodden landscape in the morning; luckily, the mud only makes things messy and doesn't slow anyone down. Malcom takes navigator; Bea focuses on improving their party map and looking for this ruined bridge. Raisa Evergreen lobbies for taking an animal survey on the way; she knows the Library pays well for that kind of information, and it might help them be ready for trouble - there's only been one group out that far this way before now.

This starts a fight - Raisa and Turgrim get into a yelling match about the right way to go; (XP awarded here for good roleplay, with table agreement) that's when poor Raisa falls right in a murderhole - a bit of thin land over an animal burrow that leaves her flailing in the mud and trapped. The group pulls her out with effort; the only thing lost (this time) is a bit of pride. (Xp award for dealing with a hazard).

In the early evening, they encounter a strange cairn of stones and sticks in a vaguely beastial shape; they find human footprints, bloodstains on the rocks... and a raven feather. Unsure of its meaning, they mark it on the map, resolving to add it to the town map later. (They learn, in conversation later on the Discord, that Eileen's group left that there as a marker for a later trip of their own.)

Sleep that night is hard; no one's able to find firewood, and nobody brought any with them; they wake having a poor rest and chilled (+1 exhaustion to each, no spells regained). Regardless, they decide to travel on - in the distance, they see the bridge...

Day 3:

They arrive there, tired, in the late afternoon - only to witness a group of travellers in long robes and bandages squaring off against more of those strange dog-men in the shelter of the bridge. The fight seems evenly matched; Turgrim decides to intervene, launching a magic missile against the dog-creatures. The group tears into the engagement, helping out the strange travellers (XP award for the encounter) - they speak in sibiliant, hissing tones and - while suspicious, are grateful for the assistance. They offer supplies... and one tells them of a strange skull they encountered in their trip up from the South, one that was big enough to camp in, but made such strange noises they didn't get anywhere near. (XP awarded for the RP)

The party decides to camp with them and move on in the morning. They set a watch, and share a fire. Raisa and Turgrim, on watch together... feel magic rise, and fall asleep during their watch, unable to sound an alarm...

Day 4:

The day dawns with the party waking up in the morning, discovering that the strange travellers left during the night - taking two of the party's tents and their pack-horse! Their tracks lead off to the west... and the party debates what to do. Turn back? Chase down the theives? Continue with their mission? The road that leads to the bandit camp - at least according to their Rogue friend back in town - is right there....

End of Session:

The party decided to follow the road to the camp; over the next several days of travel, they get close - and realize the defenses of the camp are formidable. They scout its edges and take down a bandit raiding party, acquiring badges the bandits carry; Malcom asks to keep those (and the party agrees).

Time is called on the session. THe party is awarded XP for completing the mission; the characters are considered returned to town, and the date of their return is marked on the calendar. Eric begins planning an infiltration of the camp.... but Turgrim's far more interested in that skull. And Raisa and Klaous are dead-set on tracking down those bandaged-wrapped thieves... they start planning their own missions, reaching out on the discord for help.