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A warbeast - a fusion of magitech breeding practices and the direwolves of the northeast - the Thunderfang has become a common war mount throughout the Dragon Empire. Suitable for Medium or smaller creatures, the Thunderfang is quick, intelligent, and bonds with its rider; a pack animal, units of Thunderfang cavalry often move as a predatory body, with the bond between rider and animal extending to the entire unit after training.

A thunderfang is thaumivoric, consuming magic to maintain its abilities - and omniverous despite its 'wolfish' exterior, able to subsist on nutrient rich fruits, vegetables and roots as well as meat of various sorts.


Thunderfang tend to be mischevious and occasionally irritable; they're considered very dangerous to anyone other than their bonded rider if only because they are bored easily, inuisitive, and don't really understand why they shouldn't wander towns or drink in taverns with their partner. Intelligent, fast, and dangerous, Thunderfang make the perfect wilderness companion to someone brave enough to take one on.