Code of Conduct

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It's important to set expectations up front for what will and won't be tolerated from players in the Reach, and to set a common baseline for this community, game, and conversation.

1) We're all friends here. It is expected that we treat each other with respect and kindness, noting that players are welcome here across the entire spectrum of skill levels, ages, and experiences. It should go without saying, but intolerance toward anyone for their age, expressed gender, race, or anything else will result in immediate expulsion from the campaign.

2) PG13, please. We do have some younger folks, and - to be honest? I'm too old and irritated to want to act as content police. It doesn't have to be perfect, but let's keep it reasonable. There are no NSFW outlets here.

3) No politics. Given the potential diversity of the community, let's leave real life at the door. While I encourage general chatter in the general conversation, I have no interest in breaking up political wrangling or other similar nonsense. Let's just all agree to not.

4) Leave what happens on the table, on the table. This style of campaign can have sudden, brutal, unexpected moments - and not every game's going to be clean. Character death is a possibility - stronger than in most sessions - and this can lead to bad feelings and perceived fault when the dice don't go where we want them to go or we engage with something we probably shouldn't have. Let's not take out our misfortunes on each other.

5) Focus on fun.

That's what we're here for! To discover the reach, tell stories, and let the dice fall where they may! Embrace the danger, intrigue, and chaos.