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The City:

Landfall, Home Base in the Reach

Landfall is a small city located at the mouth of an as-yet-unnamed river in a small sea within the Reach. Sturdy walls and decent guards keep the dangers of the Reach at bay, though the populace knows that the moment you leave those walls the danger magnifies dramatically. This is the home base of the characters within the Reach, a safe haven and oasis amidst the chaos and hostility of the wider world.

Founded about a dozen years ago by the Holy Dragon Empire's expeditionary corps, the town has at least become stable, if not grown in the intervening years.

The town is considered safe - no adventure happens within its walls.

City Services:

City services are simply available - they require no downtime actions and can be used at any time while characters are within the walls of the town. These are simple services - but the quality, breadth, and value of services improves as the various businesses are improved. Notably, these services usually require found items from adventures in the Reach to advance.

Mage Grimson's Extraordinary Cauldron - Home of a Mage for Hire (Level 2 - 550 gp to advance):

Grimson Delson Aimad Kurgu is a bombastic, expansive, and somewhat overweight human who loves brightly colored clothing, dancing, and .. frankly, a bit of indolence. He offers certain services in Landfall, but, more importantly, he's a mage-for-hire that's not averse to doing a bit of teaching if the price is right. His shop - a somewhat sumptuously fabric-covered storefront near the river - is usually open to only one client at a time. He offers spells-for-hire and other magical services on-demand.

  • Identify: 10gp per item.
  • Any first level wizard spell cast at 1st level, with a duration that begins upon leaving the town - 10gp
  • Remove Curse: 90gp

Now that the Cauldron has been improved, Grimson has a limited store of common magical items available for each excursion - these will be presented to the group at the start of each adventure, along with their current costs, and will be available to purchase in the quantities noted.

Shrine of the Great Dragon (Level 2 - 550gp to advance):

A small shrine along the southern road, it is maintained by a pair of kobolds - Sanguine Tooth of House Imir and their mate, Greeneye. They're hard to tell apart; the two have iridescent scales that fade from red to blue as the light shifts and often wear similar clothing, well-made and sturdy as befits a citizen of the Holy Dragon Empire. They're both relatively old, veterans of Empire service and suprisingly erudite. As clerics of the Dragon, they offer healing, succor, and more advanced services to those who live within the town.

  • Divination: 100gp (once per downtime) - a character may ask one question concerning the goal of the mission, event, or activity, or other appropriate target. As per the spell, this must be a yes or no question; anything more complex will result in little more than a confused response.
  • Lesser Restoration: 40gp
  • Greater Restoration 150gp
  • Augury: 80gp

Additionally, the Shrine now has a fully-built chapel, allowing characters who are of the appropriate backgrounds (Druids, Clerics, and Paladins) to Assist in local Rituals. This downtime action grants 1 inspiration per downtime action, and may be performed more than once per downtime period.

Improving the Shrine will allow both additional spells and the possibility of clerical scrolls or disposable blessings to be made available prior to each excursion.

Gilberry's Outfitters (max):

The outfitter is a large shop on the east side of town, well appointed and staffed by a number of rotating staff members. It sells adventuring goods and acts as a general store for the town - all common items are available here.

Talmudge's LIvery (Level 1 - 250gp to advance (35gp spent))

Master Talmudge - he never gives any other name - is a dour, grim, salty lizardman who exists, it seems, to maintain his animals, manage his stables, and otherwise be left alone. He does, however, offer Livery services for the town - this is where tack, harness, and carts can be purchased, and where you can rent or buy animals to improve your ability to traverse the reach. Talmudge is always eager to buy young animals or tamed beasts or lore of those beasts from adventurers returning from the Reach. More variety will undoubtedly improve his stables.

Note that "horses" and other common animals are not available within the world of LITD; there are other beasts that take on these roles, with their own special considerations. Currently, Talmudge sells:

Addtionally, he sells simple two-wheeled carts suitable for Raptors (one or a team of two) for 15gp. It should be noted that animals do not increase travel speed; rather, they carry burdens and offer increased speed during encounters when necessary. Carts increase the carrying capacity of a mount 10x the base capacity of that mount.

City Actions:

Several downtime actions are available within the city - many of them can be upgraded across three levels. The current level of each service, the service provided, and the cost to improve the service is noted here. Activating any of these services is done with a Downtime Action, and the effects are in play as of the next mission and its objective for a given character. Services can be activated by every character; there's no upper limit to the number of times a service may be activated, save that any given character may only activate one service between Missions.

The Indigo Flail - A Tavern (Level 2 - 550gp to advance)

Run by the proprieter, a shifter (he/him) by the name of Ealdfrin, the Indigo Flail is one of the better-kept buildings in Landfall. Here there is food, water, and alcohol in abundant quantity. The building represents the social hub of the town; it is where local meetings are held, jobs are traded, and rumors abound. Anyone who's anyone comes here eventually... after all, where else is there to go?

A character may activate the tavern and spend 2gp to Carouse.

This allows the character to gather rumors, listen to other travellers in the Reach, and make contacts back on the mainland. Make a Charisma(Persuasion), Wisdom(Insight), Intelligence(Investigation), or Charisma(Performance) check and consult the table below:

D20 Skill Roll Effect:
Natural 1, or 1-5 Modified Character had a tough time of it - choose 1:
  • Lose at cards! -5gp or loss of equivalent value in equipment.
  • Lots of fun, but hungover! Take one level of Exhaustion on your first day out.
  • You did something foolish! Lose all accrued favor dice.

In addition to the above, lose one accrued favor dice.

6-10 Character has a great time - no ill effects!
11-15 Character may gain one Favor Die (d6)
16-20 Character gains two Favor Dice (d6)
21+ Character gains three Favor Dice (d6)

Favor dice represent accruing contacts back on the mainland and in town .. and making a good impression. Favor dice can be rolled to reduce the cost of an item (10% x number rolled, one die per item), find items that shouldn't exist - including magic items!, or spend a favor die to discover a rumor or other interesting tidbit of information.

With improvements to the tavern, a better class of merchant is coming through the doors to join in the fun. Favor dice rumors are now more valuable, and carousing scores of 16 or higher now result in a free rumor. Truly legendary carousing (21+) will result in a new global rumor. If a player character wishes, they may attempt to seek rumors of a specific topic - while still not easy, a 5-6 on the favor dice will result in a directed rumor against the requested topic, if one is available. Note that seeking a specific rumor is not guaranteed, and any other roll is simply lost.

Sybel's Armaments - A Smithy (Level 2 - 550gp to advance)

Somewhat paradoxically not actually run by anyone named Sybel, the Smithy is managed by a somewhat etherial Eladrin (they/them) with piercing eyes and a thin, waiflike build that belies tremendous strength who claims the name Isaiah. Lionguard memorabelia - most dating to some time immediately after the Scourging, can be found in a place of honor within the building; this includes a long glaive and a suit of runed, golden armor.

The smithy is available for those that want to ply their trade - but Sybel's Armaments is always looking for able help.

A character may activate the Smithy to Prepare.

Spending time sharpening your weapons, repairing your armor, and going through your gear has benefits. Take your proficiency modifier and select one piece of equipment for each; this may be a single bit of ranged ammunition, a hand-held melee weapon (e.g. a sword), or a suit of armor or shield.

  • Ranged ammunition gains a +2 to damage the first time it is fired; even if retrieved, all additional damage is at base stats.
  • Melee weapons gain +1 to damage for the duration of a single combat encounter (when used). This bonus is lost at the end of that encounter.
  • A suit of armor or shield negates the first critical hit scored against its bearer during the next mission at the cost of a reaction. This can be done only once per item prepared.

With the upgrade of the smithy (to Level 2), the improvements to the facilities and to Sybil's will allow a character to reduce all crafting difficulties, as they apply, by 5. Additionally, a character may now buy a mastercrafted version of any Simple or Martial weapon for 2x base cost. Mastercrafting allows the weapon to 'save' one destruction or similar sort of event during its lifetime, in addition to being suitable as a base for a magic item.

The Literate Rose - a Library and Bookseller (Level 2 - 300gp/1000gp to advance)

The Rose is a rather battered building on a sizeable plot at the edge of town. The librarian, a halfling with long braids in her hair and vine tattoos on her arms, Kari Naildriver (she/her) lives here alongside an aging and elderly riding raptor she calls "Ol' Bumble" who mostly spends each day snoozing outside in the sun. Hints abound that Kari is both older than she seems and may be more dangerous than she acts; she moves like a panther, near silent and with an intensity that hints at training, and a glance behind the counter shows a pair of longblades in easy reach. Regardless, she's usually there with a sunny smile and curiosity, ever eager to help seekers of knowledge go through the resources she's collected - and some she has for sale. The bookshelves may be run down, but the books in them offer a surprising wealth of historical and speculative information. A new plaque has been added by the entry in brass, reading "Knowledge is Power" in common.

Improving the library will open additional research opportunities.

A character may activate the Library to Research.

Spending time among the books and papers - and talking with Kari about projects - gives a character keen insight into the Reach. You may take a number of study dice (d4) equal to your proficiency bonus. These may be used to enhance any form of knowledge check while adventuring in the Reach. Note that study dice should be kept as a resource, as they are not lost between missions.

Study dice can be used for additional actions that can be discovered or unlocked. Currently, accumulated study dice can be used to:

  • Research a new spell of 1st level (5) or 2nd level (9) for people who can use spellbooks or cast ritual magic.
  • Identify the name of a Region or Landmark (2) when encountered on a Mission.
  • Reveal a vulnerability or immunity of an encountered creature (3) when on a Mission.
  • Can now be specifically applied to a topic. A character may choose to reasearch toward something specific, rolling and accumulating 'value' toward the specific question being asked, with a DC determined at the moment the question is, in fact, considered. Once the accumulated study equals or exceeds the DC, the DM will supply what relevant information can be discovered. PLEASE NOTE: information sources, even deeply researched ones, may be incomplete or unreliable. Asking about geography is one thing, asking about specific contents of a dragon's hoard is unlikely to be fully accurate. Lore found in this way is likely to be out of date, anecdotal, or 'best guesses', especially around specific topics relevant to the Reach, as available sources are rooted in the HDE. Improving or finding local sources will improve this aspect of research.

With the improvement in the library, the funds going to expand the books on offer, the capability to use research has grown. (see above)

Landfall Peir and Shipwright - Level 1 - 250gp to advance

The docks have been repaired! Landfall now has a fully functional dock and basic ship infrastructure that has allowed ships from the mainland to settle into Landfall for a more or less permanent berth. The first among these is the Southflower, an ancient one-masted caravel that made the passage only by being part of a larger fleet. Her captain, Martje, is an odd creature - a human who was paralyzed some time ago, and now captains the ship from a special chair and rostrum at her stern, leading a fiercely loyal crew.

Suitable for travel along the coast, the Southflower can be booked for a rate of 15gp/day - taken as a fixed cost on return - for trips along the coast; she is not suitable, however, for deep water, and cannot cross the local sea.

The Southflower can move at the rate of 6 hexes/day, following a coastline, and will drop the party when requested, or upon reaching a decided location. The Southflower does not linger - once the party leaves the ship, she returns to Landfall.

Spending more into the Peir and Shipwright will attract an actual shipwright and make the pier more suitable for larger ships.

Repairs Needed!

(None, currently...)