Characters and Character Creation

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General Character Creation House Rules:

It is recommended to build your character in D&D Beyond, in the Aria of Stars Campaign.

Number of characters:

A given player may have any number of characters for use in the Campaign. However, each character exists independently, and may not share any items, gold, or experience with each other.

Current Level:

While all new players begin at level 1, any existing player may choose to begin at the aggregate average level of all characters in the game.

Currently, this level is: 1

Point Buy for Attributes:

Characters are created using 27 points in the point buy system.

Tasha's Optional Rules:

Players are encouraged to use ALL of the optional character creation methods indicated in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Most importantly, in Aria of Stars, character ability score boosts are decoupled from your chosen race. You may choose any ability score to gain a +2 bonus, and another to gain a +1, or take a +1 across three attributes.

Monsters of the Multiverse:

If applicable, please use the updated races presented in Monsters of the Multiverse when building your character. These are available in the D&D beyond campaign.

Disallowed Races:

Currently, the following races cannot be played in Aria of Stars:

  • Gnomes essentially vanished after a great disaster in the undercroft.
  • Dragonborn left the world with the true Dragons.

Additional Races:

There are several races unique to LITD that wait to be found! When they are discovered and become available for play, they will be indicated here.

Disallowed Classes:

New players may not select the Warlock class. If you are an experienced 5e player, have at - however you MUST select between:

  • The Archfey - you have made a deal with an avatar of the Great Mother, and are granted powers of the Feywild, but bound to protect the green and natural spaces in addition to the rest of your deal.
  • The Fathomless - A deep voice of the ocean, calling itself Leviathan, has empowered you as part of its cult...
  • The Great Old One - A cultist of The Forgotten, you may not want to let your loyalties be known...
  • The Hexblade - Rather than worshipping the Raven King, you've cut a deal; now you hunt the undead or lycanthrope that hurt you and yours...
  • The Rot - Semisentient, the force of magical corruption has its hooks in your heart...

Warlock patrons are specific and known to those who go seeking them. If you'd like a patron outside of or adjacent to these, let's talk!

No homebrewed classes will be accepted; however, the Aria of Stars is likely to slowly introduce new subclasses...


It is expected that you'll work through the D&D Beyond "Notes" section during character creation to help me help your character become part of the world. This is required for approval!


Your character needs an approval from the GM before your second game. This is intended to let you have a game to determine if you like the concept you built and go back to the drawing board, if you like.