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The City:

Landfall, Home Base in the Reach

Landfall is a small city located at the mouth of an as-yet-unnamed river in a small sea within the Reach. Sturdy walls and decent guards keep the dangers of the Reach at bay, though the populace knows that the moment you leave those walls the danger magnifies dramatically. This is the home base of the characters within the Reach, a safe haven and oasis amidst the chaos and hostility of the wider world.

City Services:

Several services are available within the city - many of them can be upgraded across three levels. The current level of each service, the service provided, and the cost to improve the service is noted here. Activating any of these services is done with a Downtime Action, and the effects are in play as of the next mission and its objective for a given character. Services can be activated by every character; there's no upper limit to the number of times a service may be activated, save that any given character may only activate one service between Missions.

The Indigo Flail - A Tavern (Level 1 - 250gp to advance)

Run by the proprieter, a shifter (he/him) by the name of Ealdfrin, the Indigo Flail is one of the better-kept buildings in Landfall. Here there is food, water, and alcohol in abundant quantity. The building represents the social hub of the town; it is where local meetings are held, jobs are traded, and rumors abound. Anyone who's anyone comes here eventually... after all, where else is there to go?

A character may activate the tavern to Carouse.

This allows the character to gather rumors, listen to other travellers in the Reach, and make contacts back on the mainland. Make a Charisma(Persuasion), Wisdom(Insight), Intelligence(Investigation), or Charisma(Performance) check and consult the table below: <<table>>

Sybel's Armaments - A Smithy (Level 1 - 250gp to advance)

Somewhat paradoxically not actually run by anyone named Sybel, the Smithy is managed by a somewhat etherial Eladrin (they/them) with piercing eyes and a thin, waiflike build that belies tremendous strength. Lionguard memorabelia - most dating to some time immediately after the Scourging, can be found in a place of honor within the building; this includes a long glaive and a suit of runed, golden armor.

The smithy is available for those that want to ply their trade - but Sybel is always looking for able help.

A character may activate the Smithy to Prepare.

Spending time sharpening your weapons, repairing your armor, and going through your gear has benefits. Take your proficiency modifier and select one piece of equipment for each; this may be a single bit of ranged ammunition, a hand-held melee weapon (e.g. a sword), or a suit of armor or shield.

  • Ranged ammunition gains a +2 to damage the first time it is fired; even if retrieved, all additional damage is at base stats.
  • Melee weapons gain +1 to damage for the duration of a single combat encounter (when used). This bonus is lost at the end of that encounter.
  • A suit of armor or shield negates the first critical hit scored against its bearer during the next mission at the cost of a reaction. This can be done only once per item prepared.

The Literate Rose - a Library (Level 1 - 500gp to advance)