Spirit Stones

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The races have a dozen stories about these things - made of granite, laced with crystals - virtually indestructible. The stories they tell reveal the following facts:

  • Spirit Stones are made by the earth, in times of great need.
  • They crystallize out of the ether - literally building themselves in places of power, holy sites where multiple ley lines cross.
  • Individually they are tremendously powerful artifacts, capable of restoring the balance of the earth within a broad area of effect.
  • Additive, their power is exponential - adding more stones makes the possible effects both broader and wider.
  • They do not suffer corruption - they are inimical to the undead, but make no distinction between good and evil.
  • History has stories of single spirit stones clearing entire undead and demon infestations. One story speaks of five stones cleansing a master vampire and his servants in a great ritual. Another? Tells the story of a ghost regaining physical form by the intervention of a single stone.
  • They are creations of the world itself, not beholden to any particular god.