Clan Starrose - The Rats

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Their standard bears a noble mink, on fields of red – but the common people have taken to calling them “Rats”, though almost never to their faces. Starrose was founded by an elf of the same name who believed that saving what was left of civilization meant saving what made civilization worth having. Patrons of the arts, merchants, and businessmen, the Rats have carved out a niche as the master of craftspeople, artisans, and merchant princes.

The rats are wealthy now beyond real imagining, and deal in politics, favors, and influence. It is fair to say that the Rats have done more to preserve the arts in the dark times than any other clan, and still offer vast sums for patronage, along with rebuilding the great City and maintaining the laws and rules of trade and commerce.

Rats value intelligence, business acumen, artistry, and wealth.

Current Events:

The Rats were devastated in the wake of the Cursebreaking, and rebuilt following their support of the doomed Sorcerer King and their embrace of the Rot. To this day, they have the largest contingent of rot-sorcerers and warlocks among their number, and understand this inimical force far better than most. Their acumen and focus returned them to promenance as a merchant and magical power, and though still viewed with distrust, have taken seriously their goal of furthering magical knowledge, trade, and mutual understanding between peoples. That said, they're inveterate politicians and schemers, and an individual Rat is generally only as trustworthy as they prove themselves to be.

In Landfall, the Rats run the mercantile exchange and the Tavern. They're keenly interested in any trade opportunities, valuable materials, and magical secrets.