Clan Lucksworn - The Rabbits

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With a clan device of a rabbit on yellow and black, the Lucksworn are an odd bunch that are less numerous than all of the other Clans, but arguably more influential than any other. Explorers, dreamers, inventors, and dilettantes, the Lucksworn lead the vanguard in recovering what was lost.

Built by Emilia Tranger, called “Lucksworn” by her fellows, the Rabbits believed early on that recovering what was lost would be the foundation of all future advancement. Among their number are historians, archaeologists, and scholars – and the intrepid souls that know how to grave rob, dungeon-delve, and explore places where civilized people fear to go. Their cartographers are the stuff of legend, and their guild hall in Tintagel is filled with curiosities and treasures that are open to the public to view.

The Rabbits are the most romantic – and demanding – of the houses, and an individual rabbit is always a force to be reckoned with. The Rabbits value capability, bravery, cunning, and innovation.

Current Events:

After the events of the Cursebreaking, the Rabbits have made their presence a bit more commonly known, establishing Lodges throughout the HDE and Tintagel, and bringing Androgen Lucksworn and his retune to Landfall to establish a Lodge there. Something of an open secret society, what Rabbits do in their lodges isn't common knowledge; what is known is that as a society of explorers and dilletentes, the Rabbits pay handsomely for maps, books, artifacts, blueprints, and lost technology. Most of the pay that comes from adventurer reports comes from a grant from the Rabbits, as payment for adding to the common body of knowledge.