An Understanding of Dragons

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It is said, that in time upon time, ages ago, the world was created as a gift for dragonkind, a place to rear their eggs and contemplate the very reality of which they were a part. As dragons are wont to be - this is likely their telling of events - but, regardless, they were First.

In the millinea that followed, their kind grew and learned and came to know many things - and that knowing transformed them.

The three greatest of their kind were known to all:

Katasdiam, Protector of the Sky

Sieteth, Voice of the Earth

Iroylth, Harbinger of the Dream.

These three great wyrms transcended simple shells of meat and bone, and become something greater - Celestial Dragons, bathed in starlight, gifted by the Great Dragon with comprehension and power beyond simple understanding.

They merged with the world, coming to know the universe for what it truly was, and bringing their secrets back to dragonkind.

In time, they came less and less - and eventually ceased to come at all; lost, it is said, in contemplation of All.