Westfall and the Scar

From The Aria of Stars Wiki
Revision as of 03:07, 17 October 2022 by Jonahgrimm (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Scar is just that - a great chasm that splits the western part of the continent, a wound driven into the ground with no perceivable bottom, and one that weeps the howl of wind forever from deep within. The stories say that the scar was created when the Warlord assaulted the great city of Westgate, using some sort of cataclysmic magic to shatter the earth. In its wake, the city was destroyed, the last Temple of the Mother was sent to the depths of the earth, and resi...")
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The Scar is just that - a great chasm that splits the western part of the continent, a wound driven into the ground with no perceivable bottom, and one that weeps the howl of wind forever from deep within.

The stories say that the scar was created when the Warlord assaulted the great city of Westgate, using some sort of cataclysmic magic to shatter the earth. In its wake, the city was destroyed, the last Temple of the Mother was sent to the depths of the earth, and resistance outside of Tintagel collapsed to open the way of the Siege that took place over the next six years.

Now, the remnants of Westgate are now known as Westfall, a ruined city that represents the parts of Westgate that didn't fall into the chasm. It's a lawless stretch of Tintagel territory - one where the Lionguard simply wanders through on occasion, but otherwise leaves it to the bands of treasure hunters and nae'er-do-wells that sift through the place in search of ancient artifacts, magic, and items of value. A tent settlement - prices are outrageous -caters to the treasure hunters with everything you can imagine, and a few things you likely can't.

It's a great place to go to dissapear - and a great place to go to get rich, if you're lucky and can survive the discovery. The only real rules here? Miind your own business, and hands off someone else's claim ... unless nobody's looking.