Travel, Watches, and Watch Actions:

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Travel Actions:

Action: Description:
Notice Threats/Watch: [A character can keep an eye out for danger and threats as the party travels, making it more difficult for enemies to ambush them, or traps to take effect. A party member that is noticing threats can use their passive Wisdom (Perception) score to notice threats. If more than one party member performs this action, each checks individually.]
Search: [A character can be searching for a specific object or location as the party travels, such as a cluster of ruins or rare kind of tree. A party member that is searching uses their passive Wisdom (Perception) score, against a DC determined by the GM.]
Navigate: [A character can try to prevent the group from becoming lost as they traverse the wilds. A party member that is navigating can make Wisdom (Survival) checks to navigate. A party member can assist the navigator, provided that they are proficient in Survival.

When an adventurer can tell cardinal directions, such as a character with the Keen Mind or Explorer feats, they always have advantage made on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to navigate.

Additionally, the Party must choose whether they're navigating by Landmark or by Direction each watch.]

Forage: [A character can search for food, water, and other resources, potentially gathering useful supplies as they travel. They may only forage for one 'thing' per watch (food, water, or other item).

Roll Wisdom(Survival) against the region DC; on a success, gain 1d6 + wisdom modifier Rations or Water, or DM's discretion on 'other object'.]

Track: [A character can follow a trail or set of tracks while pursuing a creature or group of creatures. Generally speaking, a tracker fills the same role as a navigator would, and thus a party will not ever simultaneously need both.]
Draw a Map: [A character can draw a map, helping the party be aware of their position. No check is required.]