
From The Aria of Stars Wiki
Revision as of 16:05, 25 September 2022 by Jonahgrimm (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Heavy, massive - and more walking tent platform than a typical beast of burden, the Loxodaunt is a massive creature, weighing in at close to two tons - a hybrid of fungi and beast that is nonetheless motile and incredibly useful for pulling the kind of massive loads used by traders across the Empire. Grown, not born, Loxodaunts are planted as buds from the parent .. creature .. and take several years to grow to maturity. A mature Loxodaunt can carry excessive loads - a...")
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Heavy, massive - and more walking tent platform than a typical beast of burden, the Loxodaunt is a massive creature, weighing in at close to two tons - a hybrid of fungi and beast that is nonetheless motile and incredibly useful for pulling the kind of massive loads used by traders across the Empire. Grown, not born, Loxodaunts are planted as buds from the parent .. creature .. and take several years to grow to maturity. A mature Loxodaunt can carry excessive loads - and is often used as a mobile base or to draw massive wagons resembling buildings on wheels that are used for trade and as support for armies.

Loxodaunts are not fast - but they are largely indefatigueable and unstoppable when they choose to move. Varying widely in personality, they are usually placid animals - hard to rouse and direct - but are known to be fearsome simply due to their size and power when roused.


Herbivores when they must be, Loxodaunt actually prefer photosynthesis for energy. Loxodaunt do not eat often in sunny weather, but do 'take root' each evening to draw nutrients and are hard to get moving prior to the sun rising well above the horizon. During rainy periods or in terrain unsuitable for rooting, they'll eat surrounding vegetation to supply their needs - a truly prodigious amount of food.