Fantasy Grounds Exension Set Documentation

From The Aria of Stars Wiki
Revision as of 05:14, 24 July 2022 by Jonahgrimm (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This page is for the DM (or interested DMs) to see what extensions and modules are used in LITD:Aria of Stars in order to curate the player experience and automation. 5E - Generic Actions FGU (Foundry) -- Adds basic actions (e.g. grapple, help, et. al) to the character sheet actions tab. Better Combat Effects Gold (Foundry) -- Adds effect coding for a good sixty common event types; used to more fully automate player capabilities. CT Open on Turn (Foundry) -- Opens t...")
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This page is for the DM (or interested DMs) to see what extensions and modules are used in LITD:Aria of Stars in order to curate the player experience and automation.

5E - Generic Actions FGU (Foundry) -- Adds basic actions (e.g. grapple, help, et. al) to the character sheet actions tab.

Better Combat Effects Gold (Foundry) -- Adds effect coding for a good sixty common event types; used to more fully automate player capabilities.

CT Open on Turn (Foundry) -- Opens the character record/NPC sheet on turn in the combat tracker.

D&D Official Language Fonts (built-in) -- Adds basic fonts for languages.

Effect Builder and Effect Builder Plugin - 5e -- Helps automate building effects for players on the fly.

Exhausted (Foundry) -- Tracks exhaustion and implements all rules.

Friend Zone (Foundry) -- Adds companions and cohorts, handling auto-level-up for those that carry it. Grants full control to players.

TEMPO and ROLLON effects -- Adds TEMPO: (D) allowing ongoing temp HPs (e.g Heroism) and ROLLON which rolls on tables per-turn.

MNM Module UI - Improves module UI dramatically.

MNM Player Journal - Adds the player journal tab to the character sheet for tracking things!

MNM Character Sheet Tweaks - Improves the character sheet dramatically.

MNM Consumable Items - Adds item consumption/writing.

MNM Automatic Actions - Adds actions automatically to items in inventory and/or equipped! (Uses Rob2E effects)

NPC Maker 5e - NPC generator from all sources.

Random Encounter Generator 5e - Generates random encounters from specifications.

Random Spellbook 5e Extension - Creates random spellbooks for loot when required.

Rob2E module Updater - Keeps all the rOb2E stuff up to date.

Syrinscape Sounds FGU - Sound links and triggers.