Holy Dragon Empire - Civilian Life

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Revision as of 21:13, 22 July 2022 by Jonahgrimm (talk | contribs) (Created page with "In the civilian sector, HDE bureaucrats and government focuses from the ground up. Each city is divided into districts, and each district has a Legate who manages tthat district. For each five (or fewer) city districts, a Prelate coordinates government activity and acts an overseer to the city Legates. For every four Prelates, the HDE appoints an Overseer (sometimes called Mayor). These individuals are responsible for regional oversight and maintenance, and report back...")
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In the civilian sector, HDE bureaucrats and government focuses from the ground up. Each city is divided into districts, and each district has a Legate who manages tthat district. For each five (or fewer) city districts, a Prelate coordinates government activity and acts an overseer to the city Legates.

For every four Prelates, the HDE appoints an Overseer (sometimes called Mayor). These individuals are responsible for regional oversight and maintenance, and report back to the Council and Emperor directly, where additional layers of bureaucracy manage empire affairs.


All citizens are required to pay taxes. This is levied every three months, and based wholly on a reporting of personal wealth and resources. In general, ten percent of all personal wealth is captured through the taxation rolls.

It is considered a great honor to support the empire, and conspicuous tax payment is seen as a sign of high moral character. In fact, there's some ceremony among the wealthy, and even a competition to see who pays the most - as these records are public - which is seen as a charitable duty and imparts a great deal of social status.

Tax days are essentially a quarterly holiday where very little gets done and crowds turn out to celebrate civic life.

Social Services:

The HDE has a surprisingly wide net of social services. All empire citizens who reach the age of fifty are granted an income based on lifetime taxation, and the empire supports and empowers the Cult of the Celestial dragon to extend succor and care to all who enter their temple walls. Public education is widespread, with all citizens required to be literate to maintain citizenship, and a major university offers advanced education to those who score well enough on their entrance exams at very low cost.


Travel is not restricted, for citizens - with airship fares at reasonable rates, and sea travel available. Roadbuilding projects on the mainland have begun to link HDE cities instead of simply relying on sea and air travel.